One way Georgia Tech students can stay engaged politically is by getting involved with SGA, or at least by staying informed of when elections occur and updates in policies. SGA serves as a bridge between the student body and administration, actively working to implement changes at the Institute that reflect the voices of the students. They are split into three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, with one of each for the Undergraduate and Graduate student bodies. Visit the SGA website at for more detailed information.

Get Involved

Currently, you can apply for a position in any of the three branches by visiting SGA's Get Involved page and following the application links, or you can email SGA at and they will attempt to find a position in SGA that suits your interests and goals.

Recent Election Results

The Spring 2021 ballot allowed students to vote for a new President, Vice President, and representatives and senators in the Legislative branch, as well as vote on a joint referendum on the Fight Song, and an Undergraduate constitutional amendment. Sam Ellis and Ajanta Choudhury were elected as Undergraduate President and Vice President respectively taking 59.34% of the vote. The proposed amendment did not receive two-thirds of the vote and thus failed to pass. The full elections results can be viewed here.

Learn More

If you would like to learn more about SGA and their impact on student life, visit their website,, or follow them on social media: @gtsga (Instagram), @gatechsga (Facebook and Twitter). Learn more abour SGA's mission on their About Us page. SGA's calendar of events is also available on the home page of their website.